Mindful Walking : A Guided Photography Meditation

As a stay at home / work from home mum, I do what I can to find balance, but to be honest, a lot of the time I’m just in survival mode. For me, the baby days are tough, tough, tough. Give me toddler tantrums over under-ones every time.

My youngest is now almost two and the fog is finally starting to lift, she’s talking more, walking more, sleeping (well, almost) more. And best of all, I’m starting to feel more like myself again. Motherhood brings with it a loss of identity, forgetting who you are and what you care about outside of keeping these small humans alive.

So I want to nurture this feel good feeling, to take care of my mental health, support my emotional wellbeing. And for me, lately, this has started with getting outside.

Littlest can manage short walks now and she’s even starting to tolerate the pushchair. So as we head outside and feel the fresh air on our faces, for the first time in months, I’m allowing my eyes and mind to wander. I’m feeling inspired and taking a few photos with my camera phone.

This renewed creativity motivated me to share everything I know about shooting with my iPhone in my latest offering, iPhone Magic: Creative Photography in the Palm of your Hand. It’s a 4 week online course to learn to take soulful, expressive photos with your phone. If you’re interested to find out more or join the waitlist for a 15% discount, just click here.

One of my favourite resources from the course is the Walking Photography Meditation, inspired by my prams walks with littlest, when I was just feeling so grateful to have made it out the house.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and overstretched, let this walking photography meditation bring you a few minutes of calm and creativity. A gentle audio to connect you to your senses and ground you to the moment. so that you can take a few minutes out of your day to notice your surroundings with a healthy dose of curiosity and wonder. With mindful photography prompts to encourage you to notice light, composition and take a few photos.

I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it. x